Menopause Came to Visit Me and She Moved Right In

Menopause changed my life forever.

Yes, first came peri. We had a brief conversation and then she left.

Not long thereafter, Menopause came and she never left.

Menopause changed my life forever and now I take extremely good care of her.

I was not ready for my monthly girlfriend to leave when she did. I miss her, but I am so grateful that she lived with me as long as she did. I was 54 years old when we parted ways. I sure do miss her.

This is my story about menopause and how it has changed my life 

Uterine Fibroid Embolization, It Changed My Life Forever

It was July 12, 2012 and I was scared out of my wits. You see, on that date I had an UTE, uterine fibroid embolization.  The reason for this quick fix was due to the fact that I had multiple tiny tumors living inside my pelvic and they were wreaking havoc inside my body. 

I also had one gigantic tumor that was causing me to bleed a river every month when my girlfriend came to visit. I was forced to protect my bed, chairs and anything else that I sat on from staining the cushions.

It got so bad that my gynecologist suggested that I see a radiologist to see if I would be a good candidate for the UTE. I was and I was shaking in my shoes when I scheduled the procedure.

From the moment that I scheduled to have the UTE I felt super uneasy.

The morning of the procedure I started to back out. When my daughter, husband and I arrived at the hospital, I immediately was taken to a room where I was told to change my clothes and prepare to have the tumors shrunk. 

As I lay in the bed, I told my daughter that I had changed my mind and didn’t want to go through with it. I was so scared that I was trembling. And now I know why I was so afraid of having such a procedure as an UTE done. It proved to be a nightmare for me in so many ways. I have not felt the same since that day. 

Menopause Can Be Life Changing and Yet A Blessing 

And so I went through the next year barely able to do much. I felt paralyzed and could barely get up out of bed or from a chair without a major struggle, but it did get a better. The problem that I suffer from now is when I clean my house I start to cramp and I do believe that this pain is from the UTE.

Also, I lost my cycle not long after having the UTE. I miss it, but I guess it was time for it to leave me. Recently, I began experiencing menopause symptoms.

I must say that I have never felt anything like menopause before. 

With every symptom I found myself complaining. My head felt strange, my stomach queasy and forget about sleep. I kept waking up around the 2 a.m. hour and would lay there until about five. It was then that I began doing some serious research about menopause and I found many supplements that promised to help with my symptoms.

Menopause Changed My Life Forever

I tried two hormone replacement supplements. One is …..and the other is Oceans 3 Healthy Hormones. This is the one that has worked miracles for me and now I am feeling a lot better.

Here’s the thing though, even though the supplements have been great I had to change my eating habits which has been an enormous help as well.

I have lost weight and I am sleeping better, but better sleep came when I recently discovered this one major ingredient every woman needs and that is collagen.

I did extensive reading about collagen and decided to make the purchase from Dr. Axe’s website.

The first time I took the collagen it left me feeling a little funny, but that’s normal for me.

The more I took the better I began to feel and now I take it almost every day.

I sleep all night even when I am forced to get up in the middle of the night to use the powder room I go right back to sleep whereas before when I’d get up to use the powder room, I’d climb right back in bed and lay there until day break. It feels amazing to be able to get my proper sleep.

Learning How To and Living With Menopause

Menopause Changed My Life Forever

Now I have learned to embrace menopause instead of complaining about every ailment that comes with it.

I am grateful that I had minor warm flashes. I am grateful that my head is back to normal and I am highly thankful that I can do the things I love doing which is designing and writing.

And so this is how I deal with menopause. I embrace and with each symptom that I encounter I know that I am loved and I am blessed.

Welcome menopause. I’m glad you’re here.

Menopause changed my life forever.

Cyndi G

Love lives here!